Illegal Deforestation Monitor

IDM tracks illegalities relating to conversion of forests for export-oriented agribusiness, the largest driver of global deforestation Continue reading

Paraguay Senate seeks accountability from government following Earthsight illegal deforestation exposé

14.12.2021 Senators want answers from environment authorities over illegal clearances of indigenous lands that Earthsight linked to leather used by global car brands

Relying on green labels to address our thirst for products of deforestation would be a disaster

08.11.2021 New EU deforestation law must learn the lessons of the past

Paraguay’s climate pledges mask plans to green light rising deforestation until 2030

05.11.2021 Pledges by Paraguay to slash greenhouse gas emissions and support new initiatives to protect biodiversity ring hollow as it looks willing to accept emissions from deforestation will continue to rise

Open letter: Paraguay must halt invasions, deforestation of indigenous Ayoreo lands

01.11.2021 A coalition of NGOs urge authorities to take action

Grand Theft Chaco II: The Vice Continues

13.10.2021 One year on, failed response from Paraguayan government and leather industry to the scandal demonstrates urgent need for new laws

We are at a pivotal moment in the fight to tackle our addiction to the products of forest destruction

20.05.2021 A defining six months ahead to curb tropical deforestation crisis 

The Last Refuge

13.04.2021 Defending the ancestral forests of the Ayoreo Totobiegosode

Paraguay's Looted Lands

26.02.2021 How war, trade and dictatorship created the world’s worst deforestation crisis

Open letter: Paraguayan authorities must investigate illegal deforestation cases

28.01.2021 Earthsight and others urge agencies to investigate illegalities in the Chaco

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