
The latest updates from Earthsight’s deep-dive investigations and projects

FSC must terminate negotiations with paper giant APRIL over its continued links to deforestation

12.12.2024 A decade after it cut ties with Indonesian paper giant over deforestation in its supply chains, FSC is now in talks with APRIL to rejoin the certification scheme

Earthsight reaction: EU policymakers agree to scrap “disastrous” amendments to deforestation law

04.12.2024 EUDR legislative process has unfolded in dramatic fashion over the past few weeks, only to land back at square one

How sustainable is sustainable soy?

27.11.2024 RTRS’s weak standard is facilitating the greenwashing of deforesters and land grabbers in the Cerrado

Press release: EU Parliament votes to dramatically weaken landmark forest law

14.11.2024 EU Parliament has approved amendments to weaken the landmark EUDR

EU conservative bloc’s amendments to deforestation law are “a series of loopholes” which would make it “impossible to enforce"

07.11.2024 The European People’s Party (EPP) has proposed amendments that would be catastrophic for the landmark law

Press release: Secret Ingredient

26.09.2024 McDonald’s and some of Europe’s leading supermarkets are linked to illegal deforestation, land grabbing and violence in the Brazilian Cerrado

Orangutan habitat in Indonesian Borneo faces imminent threat of destruction

24.09.2024 Planned clearance for timber plantation underlines critical importance of EUDR

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