Illegal Deforestation Monitor

IDM tracks illegalities relating to conversion of forests for export-oriented agribusiness, the largest driver of global deforestation Continue reading

Kurswechsel nötig: EU-Regierungsspitzen müssen Indigenenschutz in der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie gewährleisten

14.09.2023 Die bevorstehende EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie (CSDDD) könnte für indigene Völker zu einer bitteren Enttäuschung werden

EU agrees on much needed landmark law, but work still needed to fully protect forests and communities

06.12.2022 The final agreement compromised between contrasting priorities

If it truly aspires to leadership on climate and forests, the US must first break its addiction to the products driving their destruction

08.11.2022 The US has pledged to end deforestation, but it continues to fund destruction overseas via imports of forest-risk commodities

Revealed: US agribusiness giants’ soy linked to stolen indigenous land and murder in Brazil

19.08.2022 Two largest traders of Brazilian soy linked to human rights abuses

There will be blood: the trailer

13.05.2022 Watch a teaser of Earthsight’s latest report on how chicken and pet food consumed in Europe are linked to indigenous rights abuses

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