Illegal Deforestation Monitor

IDM tracks illegalities relating to conversion of forests for export-oriented agribusiness, the largest driver of global deforestation Continue reading

Revealed: US agribusiness giants’ soy linked to stolen indigenous land and murder in Brazil

19.08.2022 Two largest traders of Brazilian soy linked to human rights abuses

There will be blood: the trailer

13.05.2022 Watch a teaser of Earthsight’s latest report on how chicken and pet food consumed in Europe are linked to indigenous rights abuses

There Will Be Blood

11.05.2022 The ugly truth behind cheap chicken

Relying on green labels to address our thirst for products of deforestation would be a disaster

08.11.2021 New EU deforestation law must learn the lessons of the past

Amazon slaughterhouses eye greater share of American pie as Brazil beef sales surge

23.09.2021 New facilities in the Brazilian Amazon approved for export increase US exposure to environmental crimes and underline the need for binding regulations

More suspect Amazon beef is US-bound after facilities in deforestation hotspots approved

23.09.2021 Beef sold in the US increasingly likely to be linked to illegal deforestation amid growing exports from Brazilian Amazon states

Short-sighted UK Environment Bill will leave Brazil deforesters unchecked

11.06.2021 Gutting of conservation laws in Brazil could mean suspect commodity imports waved through in UK thanks to glaring weakness in new regulation 

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