Analysis shows more than a third of deforestation in Argentinian hotspots is illegal


Analysis by Greenpeace has found that more than 20,000 hectares of forest was destroyed illegally in four northern provinces, in the first half of 2016.

The illegal deforestation took place in Salta, Santiago del Estero, Formosa and Chaco, and represented more than a third of all forest clearance during the period.

“It is evident that fines are not enough to discourage deforestation in protected areas”, said Hernán Giardini, coordinator of the Greenpeace forest campaign. “In many cases the complicity of officials in violating the rules is clear. We need a Forest Crime Act that penalizes illegal clearings and arson”.

According to the Greenpeace analysis, 80% of deforestation is concentrated in the four northern provinces. The main causes of forest loss are the soy, cattle ranching and fires.

To read the report (in Spanish) click here.

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