Paraguay Senate seeks accountability from government following Earthsight illegal deforestation exposé

14.12.2021 Senators want answers from environment authorities over illegal clearances of indigenous lands that Earthsight linked to leather used by global car brands

Open letter: Paraguay must halt invasions, deforestation of indigenous Ayoreo lands

01.11.2021 A coalition of NGOs urge authorities to take action

Open letter: Paraguayan authorities must investigate illegal deforestation cases

28.01.2021 Earthsight and others urge agencies to investigate illegalities in the Chaco

An Earthsight response to Paraguay's environment ministry

12.11.2020 Statement follows MADES response to our publication of whistleblower accounts from the ministry

Deforestation in the Chaco spikes in the wake of “illegal” presidential decree stripping back environmental safeguards

31.01.2018 Satellite imagery points to an increase last October after Paraguay’s president issued a potentially illegal decree allowing cattle ranchers to evade restrictions 

“Illegal” decree strips protection from forest area size of Belgium, used by Paraguayan President to authorise clearance on own ranch

30.10.2017 The President of Paraguay issued a potentially illegal decree freeing cattle ranchers to accelerate the already catastrophically high rate of deforestation in the country’s Chaco region

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