
Brazilian Amazon hit by worst deforestation rate in a decade

06.12.2018 Between August 2017 and July 2018, 7,900 square kilometres of native forest were lost mostly to illegal logging and agricultural expansion

Comment: Bolsonaro has pledged to strip environmental protections. The EU can make those decisions hurt

06.12.2018 The Brazil president-elect's destructive impulses must be reined in, and EU policymakers must be galvanized into action, writes Fern's Nicole Polsterer

Authorities launch crackdown in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest after recent historical highs of forest loss

31.10.2018 Ibama and public prosecutors’ offices in 15 states suspend operations of plantations and issue millions of dollars in fines after deforestation reached record levels 

Global markets help sustain political power of agribusiness lobby in Brazil’s congress

25.09.2018 A damning report by Amazon Watch has shed light on the commercial links between European and US companies and agribusinesses in Brazil connected to illegalities

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