
Colombian community activist who stood up to plantation firms is shot dead

22.12.2017 A community leader in Colombia who campaigned against the incursion of plantation companies into land and forests has reportedly been assassinated

Illegal deforestation hit big ag firms where it hurt – in the pocket

22.12.2017 A new analysis of three major agricultural firms implicated in illegal deforestation reveals how it affected profitability and huge losses for investors

Shots fired at Peru's environmental defenders

21.12.2017 Shots reportedly fired at members of a community and indigenous peoples’ organisation investigating land invasions by an oil palm company

Big ag trader drops Guatemalan firm linked to toxic spill

21.12.2017 US agribusiness giant Cargill has suspended its business relationship with oil palm firm that caused toxic spill, impacted food security of thousands of families

Bad ag campaigner arbitrarily detained in Cameroon

27.10.2017 A campaigner against a controversial palm oil plantation in Cameroon has been arrested amid growing political tensions in the West African nation

Killings highlight risks of land trafficking and corruption in Peruvian Amazon

18.09.2017 The slaughter of six farmers in the Peruvian Amazon has placed a spotlight on issues of land grabbing, corruption and illegal deforestation in the eastern region of Ucayali

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