Barclays, HSBC among banks financing “most harmful agribusinesses” with $44bn

16.10.2019 Global Witness report claims more than 300 financial institutions funnelled money into global beef, leather, palm oil and rubber firms linked to deforestation

NGOs allege Malaysian palm oil labour abuses violate US law, while EU legislation falls short

02.09.2019 Legal complaint targets Proctor & Gamble’s purchases from Felda Global Ventures and acknowledges global buyers from same plantations, but similar cases not possible in Europe

Prosecutor targets ‘ringleader’ Dennis Melka in Peru cacao case

19.08.2019 It comes after staff at Melka firm sentenced for links to illegal deforestation

Activists face deadly risks in protecting lands from global agribusiness

07.08.2019 Global Witness report documents dangers for world’s land defenders as 164 activists murdered in 2018 with almost 20 per cent of killings linked to commodity-driven cultivation disputes

Cargill dubbed ‘worst company in world’ in damning Mighty Earth report

19.07.2019 US commodities giant given the malign moniker amid tide of illegal deforestation, child labour and environmental abuse allegations across its global supply chains

Australian banks urged to ‘cut ties’ with palm oil firms as $6.4bn investments revealed

17.07.2019 Friends of the Earth report says that in financing the likes of Wilmar and Olam, banks are complicit in illegal deforestation

Are KitKat sales helping line the pockets of a man who bribed Indonesia’s top judge?

05.07.2019 Purchases in Malaysia by Wilmar, the world’s largest palm oil trader, are helping fund deforestation in neighbouring Indonesia, to the benefit of a criminal businessman

Concerns over deforestation – much of it illegal – could see palm oil demand drop for first time in 20 years

24.06.2019 Palm oil demand depressed as EU buyers resist long-term deals while awaiting greater regulatory action

Indofood loses Citigroup investment following labour abuse revelations

20.06.2019  US bank pulls $140 million financing after RSPO dropped Indonesian palm oil giant for widespread labour violations

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