26.09.2024 McDonald’s and some of Europe’s leading supermarkets are linked to illegal deforestation, land grabbing and violence in the Brazilian Cerrado
14.09.2023 Indigenous rights protections needed in upcoming CSDDD
14.09.2023 Die bevorstehende EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie (CSDDD) könnte für indigene Völker zu einer bitteren Enttäuschung werden
14.09.2023 Press release: EU governments must change course to protect indigenous peoples under planned corporate law
13.01.2023 Twenty years ago a Guarani Kaiowá leader was murdered
06.12.2022 The final agreement compromised between contrasting priorities
08.11.2022 The US has pledged to end deforestation, but it continues to fund destruction overseas via imports of forest-risk commodities
19.08.2022 Supply chains tainted by rights abuses
19.08.2022 Two largest traders of Brazilian soy linked to human rights abuses
07.06.2022 Earthsight has linked UK, EU markets to rights violations