European Commission proposes year-long delay to crucial supply chain law, threatening 2,300 sq km of forest

02.10.2024 The bulldozers were just about to switch off their engines. Now the European Commission wants to re-fuel them

Press Release: EU politicians, NGOs demand probe into ethical wood label’s certification of Belarusian penal colonies

22.02.2024 Open letter demanding an independent investigation by the FSC into how it came to certify the tainted Belarusian wood and furniture trade

NGO letter: EU Member States urged to properly implement and enforce the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products

10.07.2023 Civil society organisations urge EU Member States to learn valuable lessons from EUTR and take urgent steps to effectively implement and enforce the new law

Despite landmark law, Europe faces tough test to end role in global forest loss (commentary)

16.05.2023 Success of EU's landmark deforestation law far from assured 

Fresh G7 sanctions fail to stop multibillion-dollar “conflict timber” trade

01.03.2023 New sanctions missed opportunity to prevent cash flows into the pockets of key Putin allies

"Hurt The Dictator": Q&A With Belarusian Dissident Andrei Sannikov

31.01.2023 Andrei Sannikov outlines the urgent need for strong sanctions on Belarusian timber

Rubber-stamping Repression

25.11.2022 Europe’s largest furniture retail chains are linked to the forced labour and torture of political prisoners in Belarus

If it truly aspires to leadership on climate and forests, the US must first break its addiction to the products driving their destruction

08.11.2022 The US has pledged to end deforestation, but it continues to fund destruction overseas via imports of forest-risk commodities

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