Revealed: Complacency and data manipulation at Better Cotton

25.06.2024 According to a former employee, data is repeatedly manipulated at Better Cotton

Pasubio pledges no more links to deforestation in Ayoreo Totobiegosode lands, but is this enough?

20.12.2023 Italian tannery announces it’s ready to halt commercial ties to suppliers

EU must strengthen planned corporate sustainability due diligence law to prevent business-as-usual in global supply chains

31.03.2023 A Long-awaited EU directive on corporate sustainability due diligence nears key votes in European Parliament. MEPs must improve vital aspects of the text

EU agrees on much needed landmark law, but work still needed to fully protect forests and communities

06.12.2022 The final agreement compromised between contrasting priorities

If it truly aspires to leadership on climate and forests, the US must first break its addiction to the products driving their destruction

08.11.2022 The US has pledged to end deforestation, but it continues to fund destruction overseas via imports of forest-risk commodities

BMW fails to substantiate allegations against Earthsight’s research

18.05.2022 Lack of convincing evidence shows leather must not be dropped from EU ban

Paraguay Senate seeks accountability from government following Earthsight illegal deforestation exposé

14.12.2021 Senators want answers from environment authorities over illegal clearances of indigenous lands that Earthsight linked to leather used by global car brands

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