
A Roadmap to Failure

07.02.2019 Why the EU’s action plan on deforestation must be beefed up to be effective

Does Indonesia’s storied anti-graft agency have a blind spot for corrupt land deals?

21.08.2018 Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission is perhaps the most trusted institution in a country plagued with graft. But the KPK, as it is known, has prosecuted only a handful of cases in the plantation sector

Ukraine PM announces crackdown on illegal logging and timber corruption


 Volodymyr Groysman pledges crackdown on rogue operations and appeals to EU for help, in wake of Earthsight investigation

How corrupt elections fuel the sell-off of Indonesia’s natural resources

07.07.2018 Corrupt sell-offs by politicians, often to raise money for political campaigns, are driving deforestation and land rights abuses

It’s time to confront the collusion between the palm oil industry and politicians that is driving Indonesia’s deforestation crisis

18.04.2018 An investigation released today by Mongabay and Earthsight’s The Gecko Project reveals connections between global palm oil industry and corruption of Indonesian democracy

Illegal clearance under the guise of old projects, as opacity reigns in DRC

12.03.2018 While no major green-field projects are known to have broken ground, our research indicates that illegal clearance of natural forest is occurring under the guise of projects to re-develop abandoned plantations

Hypocrisy and friends in high places in the Republic of Congo

12.03.2018 In an extract from The Coming Storm report, we explore how The Republic of Congo government’s stated aims to reduce deforestation contrast starkly with what is happening on the ground

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