
The latest updates from Earthsight’s deep-dive investigations and projects

Earthsight files complaints against 31 EU firms following confirmation of Russian wood use by their birch ply suppliers

16.04.2024 Earthsight has filed EUTR complaints pertaining to 31 firms across nine member states whose suppliers were confirmed by the EU to be using Russian wood.

Press release: European retail giants linked to dirty Brazilian cotton

11.04.2024 Fast-fashion retailers linked to illegal deforestation, land grabbing and violence

Executive Summary: Fashion Crimes

11.04.2024 World’s largest fashion brands use cotton linked to land grabbing, illegal deforestation, violence, human rights violations and corruption in Brazil

Fashion Crimes

11.04.2024 The European retail giants linked to dirty Brazilian cotton

UK announces deforestation due diligence rules, but cause for concern remains

11.12.2023 UK gov announces details of its deforestation legislation

Joint letter to JURI committee on CSDDD & Indigenous rights

24.04.2023 The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive must protect rights of indigenous & local communities

EU must strengthen planned corporate sustainability due diligence law to prevent business-as-usual in global supply chains

31.03.2023 A Long-awaited EU directive on corporate sustainability due diligence nears key votes in European Parliament. MEPs must improve vital aspects of the text

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