Illegal Deforestation Monitor

IDM tracks illegalities relating to conversion of forests for export-oriented agribusiness, the largest driver of global deforestation Continue reading

An Earthsight response to Paraguay's environment ministry

12.11.2020 Statement follows MADES response to our publication of whistleblower accounts from the ministry

Inside Paraguay's environment ministry: Karen's story

11.11.2020 A former employee speaks out about the culture of corruption that pervades the ministry

Fires detected in Paraguay farms linked to BMW and JLR leather supply

21.10.2020 National emergency declared after devastating blazes sweep the Chaco  

Grand Theft Chaco: The luxury cars made with leather from the stolen lands of an uncontacted tribe

30.09.2020 A new Earthsight investigation links the illegal clearance of South American forest inhabited by one of the world’s last uncontacted tribes with some of Europe’s biggest car brands

Eight reasons proposed UK law won’t stop consumption driving global deforestation

25.09.2020 The government's legislative plans are a first of their kind, but fall well short of what is needed 

Huge emissions risks in Europe’s Brazilian beef carbon lottery

02.09.2020 New Earthsight report reveals how Europe likely outsourced millions of GHG emissions to Brazil last year

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