
Inadequate enforcement enables illegalities to flourish in Brazil’s beef supply chain

27.07.2017 Brazilian environment agency Ibama found that the world’s biggest meatpacker, JBS, had bought livestock raised in illegally deforested areas in the state of Para

Ag drives deforestation in Atlantic Forests back to 2005 levels

28.06.2017 A 58% increase in deforestation rate in the Atlantic Forest with the majority of the 29,000 hectares deforested between 2015 and 2016 cleared illegally

Fires rage in Bolivia as deforestation for beef and soy continues to surge

27.04.2017 New data on land fires in Bolivia indicates that the surge in illegal forest conversion for large-scale commercial agriculture and cattle ranching is accelerating

80% increase in deforestation in Brazilian conservation units linked to agribusiness and cuts to enforcement

24.04.2017 Imazon study reveals deforestation within conservation units in the Amazon increased by 80% between 2012 and 2015

Booming beef exports fuel forest clearances and violence in Nicaragua’s Bosawás Reserve

15.04.2017 Humboldt Centre estimate that the biodiversity hotspot has lost more than 92,000 hectares of  forest cover since 2011

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