One of Brazil’s most important river basins under pressure from illegal cattle ranching, soy plantations and mining

31.10.2018 Increasing levels of deforestation in the Xingu river basin in states of Pará and Mato Grosso connected to cattle ranching, soy plantations and gold mining

Deforestation connected to illegal cattle ranching, logging and mining accelerates in northern Brazil

25.09.2018 More than 10,000 hectares of forest have been cleared in the states of Pará and Mato Grosso in northern Brazil due to illegal cattle ranching

Cattle ranching driving surge in illegal deforestation in northern Brazil

29.08.2018 Almost 13,000 hectares destroyed in the northern state in May and June, according to conservation NGO Socio-environmental Institute

Beef firm at centre of corruption scandal channelled $1.7bn through tax havens

29.08.2018 The biggest companies involved in trading commodities driving deforestation in Brazil are channeling money through tax havens and inflating profits

Ivy League investment in Brazilian ag mired in allegations of land grabbing and illegal deforestation

29.03.2018 Harvard’s endowment fund invested in a vast farm plagued by allegations of illegal deforestation and violent expulsion of small-scale farmers

Brazil Supreme Court ruling upholds amnesty to illegal deforesters as cash from bad ag flushes into the coffers of congressmen

28.03.2018 STF permits several controversial revisions to the Forest Code that will greenwash illegal deforestation

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