
Major ag traders fined for buying grain from illegally deforested land in Cerrado

24.07.2018 Cargill and Bunge, along with other traders and farmers fined $29m by Brazilian authorities for buying grain from illegally deforested areas in the Cerrado

Ivy League investment in Brazilian ag mired in allegations of land grabbing and illegal deforestation

29.03.2018 Harvard’s endowment fund invested in a vast farm plagued by allegations of illegal deforestation and violent expulsion of small-scale farmers

Brazil Supreme Court ruling upholds amnesty to illegal deforesters as cash from bad ag flushes into the coffers of congressmen

28.03.2018 STF permits several controversial revisions to the Forest Code that will greenwash illegal deforestation

Illegal deforestation drives dramatic rise in Brazilian emissions, eclipsing effects of recession

31.10.2017 Illegal deforestation drove the biggest increase in Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions for 13 years in 2016, despite a severe recession leading to lower emissions from nearly every sector

Ag drives deforestation in Atlantic Forests back to 2005 levels

28.06.2017 A 58% increase in deforestation rate in the Atlantic Forest with the majority of the 29,000 hectares deforested between 2015 and 2016 cleared illegally

Brazilian presidential decree “a Christmas present to land grabbers”

28.02.2017 Civil society accuse government of effectively granting amnesty to illegal farmers

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