Indofood loses Citigroup investment following labour abuse revelations

20.06.2019  US bank pulls $140 million financing after RSPO dropped Indonesian palm oil giant for widespread labour violations

No respite for Honduras’ protected forests as illegal oil palm continues to advance

14.06.2019 Amid a surge in palm oil exports to Europe, illegal clearing of protected forests in Honduras continues to worsen as authorities fail to crack down on illegal farms and “palm laundering”

Global brands’ zero-deforestation pledges prove hollow as 50 million hectares of forest vanish

12.06.2019 An area twice the size of the UK has been cleared for agribusiness globally since 2010 as illegal cultivation practices of multinational firms add to forest destruction

EU needs new laws to ban global deforestation in product supply chains

23.05.2019 Respondents surveyed in 25 countries believe EU should introduce laws to outlaw goods being sold that harm the environment and the result of deforestation

Malaysian politician under fire for suspect oil palm deal near UNESCO site that led to alleged illegal deforestation

13.05.2019 Sarawak Governor Abdul Taib Mahmud is accused of granting favourable leases to firm which later allegedly carried out illegal deforestation of timber

What we learned from two years investigating corrupt land deals in Indonesia


And what it says about how to fix the nation’s deforestation and land rights crisis

Governor and businessmen in Colombia accused of land grabbing and illegal deforestation

08.05.2019 Business connections of Guaviare governor Nebio Echeverry Cadavid alleged to be behind displacement of locals and illegal oil palm cultivation

Oil palm expansion in the Philippines leading to illegal deforestation and rights abuses

29.04.2019 Indigenous groupd and civil society denounce illegal clearing of pristine forests and rights violations by oil palm companies

Bolloré loses defamation appeal against media company that exposed SOCFIN’s rights violations in Cameroon

22.04.2019 French documentary revealed poor working conditions and child labour at Socapalm, a Socfin palm oil subsidiary in Cameroon

Not a single company on track to meet 2020 zero-deforestation deadline

27.03.2019 Forest 500 report shows no palm oil, soy, cattle or timber firm that committed to eliminate deforestation from supply chains by 2020 will meet that goal

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