
Brazil Supreme Court ruling upholds amnesty to illegal deforesters as cash from bad ag flushes into the coffers of congressmen

28.03.2018 STF permits several controversial revisions to the Forest Code that will greenwash illegal deforestation

Communities denounce violence and human rights violations in the Brazilian Cerrado

28.03.2018 Civil society organisations issue statement denouncing the “alarming increase in violence and violations of rights of the communities

Illegal deforestation hit big ag firms where it hurt – in the pocket

22.12.2017 A new analysis of three major agricultural firms implicated in illegal deforestation reveals how it affected profitability and huge losses for investors

Illegal deforestation drives dramatic rise in Brazilian emissions, eclipsing effects of recession

31.10.2017 Illegal deforestation drove the biggest increase in Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions for 13 years in 2016, despite a severe recession leading to lower emissions from nearly every sector

Most slaughterhouses in Brazilian Amazon operating without commitment to monitor their supply chains

26.09.2017 Over half of the slaughterhouses in the Brazilian Amazon are failing to monitor the farms that supply them with cattle

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