Riau network urges government to prosecute forest encroachment

16.12.2016 Analysis of plantations suggests majority of oil palm sites operating without permission

Illegal palm oil encroaches on Aceh’s largest peatswamp

24.11.2016 The  Indonesian province lost more than 4,000 hectares of forest in the first half of 2016, largely due to “legally questionable, if not downright illegal” palm oil expansion

Investigation raises doubts over police decision to drop forest fire prosecutions

23.11.2016 A decision by Indonesian police to drop a criminal investigation into the use of fire to clear forest dubbed fundamentally flawed and contrary to the evidence

Conversion of national park threatens orangutans and elephants

19.10.2016 NGOs affiliated with the Mount Leuser National Park Rescue Coalition have urged Indonesia's president to take immediate action to stop illegal deforestation

121 palm oil mills linked to illegal land in Riau

14.10.2016 More than half of palm oil mills in Riau may be linked to illegal plantations, according the chairman of a parliamentary commission in the Sumatran province

Indonesian coalition pushes for transparency over decision to drop forest fire cases

06.10.2016 An NGO alliance is taking the provincial police in Sumatra, to the Central Information Commission over decision to drop cases against 15 plantation companies

Korindo allegedly burning Papuan forests for palm oil

01.09.2016 Palm oil firm allegedly destroyed 30,000 hectares of Papuan forests for palm oil since 2013

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