Illegal deforestation drives dramatic rise in Brazilian emissions, eclipsing effects of recession

31.10.2017 Illegal deforestation drove the biggest increase in Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions for 13 years in 2016, despite a severe recession leading to lower emissions from nearly every sector

Cambodian NGO protesting land grab by government senator forced to close

13.10.2017 Equiatable Cambodia was supporting communities engaged in land dispute with a sugarcane company but now temporarily closed

Huge ag investments by Africa’s richest man threaten expansion of illegal deforestation in Nigeria

17.07.2017 Secretive billionaire Aliko Dangote intends to invest nearly $5 billion in expanding oil palm, soy and sugarcane production in West Africa

Ag drives deforestation in Atlantic Forests back to 2005 levels

28.06.2017 A 58% increase in deforestation rate in the Atlantic Forest with the majority of the 29,000 hectares deforested between 2015 and 2016 cleared illegally

Illegal deforestation and the flawed focus on corporate voluntary actions

12.06.2017 Globally, the problem is getting worse, not better, and corporate zero deforestation commitments may actually be distracting attention from other actions that could have greater impacts

Narco cash laundered into large-scale agriculture in Central America

16.05.2017 A new study comparing forest loss and cocaine busts supports the theory that drug money is being laundered into agribusiness

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