29.01.2025 Firms admit laundering Russian wood into the EU, in sanctions-busting trade worth over €1.5bn
15.07.2024 The decision will shut down a supply chain long marred by human rights abuses and torture
22.03.2024 Sanctioned Russian plywood worth an estimated €40 million seized
06.03.2024 New US sanctions target hundreds of Russian entities and individuals, but should also cover areas that are good for the planet
27.11.2023 The US Treasury Department has banned one of the largest and most controversial suppliers of Russian conflict plywood
20.09.2023 US firms continue to purchase plywood from Russian companies
22.03.2023 Imports linked to illegal logging profit oligarchs & Russian gov't
24.02.2023 America’s continued trade in Russian ‘conflict timber is aiding terror in Ukraine and further enriching ultrawealthy Russians close to Putin
24.02.2023 Ukrainian activists say America’s business in Russian wood is helping to fuel Putin’s invasion
11.03.2022 Putin’s cronies are behind major logging firms and wood exporters