Fresh evidence of illegal deforestation in European beef and leather imports underscores importance of EU law

18.07.2024 EU consumers have been buying beef and leather linked to illegalities in Brazil

UK announces deforestation due diligence rules, but cause for concern remains

11.12.2023 UK gov announces details of its deforestation legislation

Kurswechsel nötig: EU-Regierungsspitzen müssen Indigenenschutz in der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie gewährleisten

14.09.2023 Die bevorstehende EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie (CSDDD) könnte für indigene Völker zu einer bitteren Enttäuschung werden

American pie keeps growing for high-risk Amazon slaughterhouses

10.11.2022 New analysis explores how growing US appetite for Brazilian beef is exposing consumers to ever increasing risks of having their dinner plates contaminated by Amazon deforestation

Paraguayan authorities complicit in illegal razing of country’s forests by EU-linked agribusiness

20.06.2022 Documents confirm the extent of illegalities committed by ranches

REVEALED: European leather industry peddling misinformation in bid to escape deforestation-free law

15.06.2022 Leather may remain unregulated under a planned EU law on deforestation-free products as industry associations lobby against its inclusion with worrying signs of potential success

Relying on green labels to address our thirst for products of deforestation would be a disaster

08.11.2021 New EU deforestation law must learn the lessons of the past

Paraguay’s climate pledges mask plans to green light rising deforestation until 2030

05.11.2021 Pledges by Paraguay to slash greenhouse gas emissions and support new initiatives to protect biodiversity ring hollow as it looks willing to accept emissions from deforestation will continue to rise

Grand Theft Chaco II: The Vice Continues

13.10.2021 One year on, failed response from Paraguayan government and leather industry to the scandal demonstrates urgent need for new laws

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