
Paraguay Senate seeks accountability from government following Earthsight illegal deforestation exposé

14.12.2021 Senators want answers from environment authorities over illegal clearances of indigenous lands that Earthsight linked to leather used by global car brands

Suspect timber firms lobby for certified wood ‘green lane’ in draft EU anti-deforestation law

09.11.2021 Influential timber industry group run by firms guilty of logging and wood trading abuses calls for proposed EU rules to wave through wood certified by dubious sustainability schemes

Open letter: Paraguay must halt invasions, deforestation of indigenous Ayoreo lands

01.11.2021 A coalition of NGOs urge authorities to take action

FSC hall of shame: The ethical wood label’s long line of scandals

25.10.2021 The Forest Stewardship Council label is supposed to guarantee products are sustainably sourced, sadly it is not always the case

Open letter: FSC is no longer fit for purpose and must urgently reform

25.10.2021 NGOs and civil society groups urge the ethical wood label to instigate serious change of its practices

Calls grow for House of Lords to strengthen UK Environment Bill

13.09.2021 Government proposals to end UK role in driving deforestation overseas must be beefed up for benefits to be realised

Ikea, FSC actions on Siberia illegal logging scandal are a start. In our climate crisis, they must do much more

06.09.2021 Swedish retail giant and green timber label have moved to address problem of illegal sanitary felling in eastern Russia, but their measures must go further

An Illustrated guide to Europe’s role in Paraguay forest destruction

21.07.2021 Supply chain graphic shows how EU car leather helps fuel the loss of indigenous land in South America

Swedish court fines company for Ukrainian timber purchases that flouted EUTR

23.06.2021 Authorities fine trader for breaching EU timber law, following Earthsight report 

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