
The latest updates from Earthsight’s deep-dive investigations and projects

Gama Plantations concessions closed down due to peat fires

25.09.2018 Four concessions in West Kalimantan sealed by the Indonesian Environment and Forest Ministry in law enforcement operations due to ongoing peat fires

Forest fires burn in palm oil concessions linked to global brands

25.09.2018 Fires have broken out inside palm oil concessions in West Kalimantan, belonging to suppliers to some of the world's biggest household brands

Deforestation connected to illegal cattle ranching, logging and mining accelerates in northern Brazil

25.09.2018 More than 10,000 hectares of forest have been cleared in the states of Pará and Mato Grosso in northern Brazil due to illegal cattle ranching

Global markets help sustain political power of agribusiness lobby in Brazil’s congress

25.09.2018 A damning report by Amazon Watch has shed light on the commercial links between European and US companies and agribusinesses in Brazil connected to illegalities

Cattle ranching driving surge in illegal deforestation in northern Brazil

29.08.2018 Almost 13,000 hectares destroyed in the northern state in May and June, according to conservation NGO Socio-environmental Institute

Plantation hotspots detected in West Kalimantan, as forest fires rage again

29.08.2018  Walhi has identified 765 fires hotspots in plantation boundaries on the Indonesian island so far this year

Beef firm at centre of corruption scandal channelled $1.7bn through tax havens

29.08.2018 The biggest companies involved in trading commodities driving deforestation in Brazil are channeling money through tax havens and inflating profits

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