Relying on green labels to address our thirst for products of deforestation would be a disaster

08.11.2021 New EU deforestation law must learn the lessons of the past

Eight reasons proposed UK law won’t stop consumption driving global deforestation

25.09.2020 The government's legislative plans are a first of their kind, but fall well short of what is needed 

Saving Aru: The epic battle to save the islands that inspired the theory of evolution

09.10.2019 The epic battle to save the islands that inspired the theory of evolution

Activists face deadly risks in protecting lands from global agribusiness

07.08.2019 Global Witness report documents dangers for world’s land defenders as 164 activists murdered in 2018 with almost 20 per cent of killings linked to commodity-driven cultivation disputes

A carbon bomb in Papua: 7 takeaways from our investigation

04.12.2018 Key findings from our Indonesia for Sale series which exposed corrupt land deals in Indonesia's palm oil sector

Indonesian National Strategic Area loses thousands of hectares of forest in 2017

22.01.2018 Almost 7,000 hectares of forest were destroyed in the Leuser Ecosystem, in the western Indonesian province of Aceh, in 2017

Illegal palm oil concession generates flood of timber, greenwashed by Indonesia’s flagship certification scheme

26.06.2017 A new report reveals how company previously exposed has continued operating illegally, by clearing after permits expired and beyond the boundaries of its concession

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